Transmission 1
Welcome to the Banquet of Bitterness

We welcome you to the Banquet of Bitterness. This year has been filled with moments of disorientation. Moments where worlds clash and the ground falls away. We became disoriented and bitter. As the year ends and we try to find our way in the world we invite you to look to the stars. Here we convene to welcome a new generation of space witches. This is a time of new covens and new constellations. Where we draw knowledge and power from our experiences and our food.

It was this moment that called us back to the earth, pausing our orbits in our caldrons to convene a Banquet of Bitterness. We meet on screens across nations, lands, from the kitchen to gardens, to the hurdling orbits we have been taking through the cosmos. We invite you to carve your orbits in the sky through bitterness. We welcome you.

Transmission 2: 
The First Banquet of Bitterness

The first Banquet of Bitterness happened long ago by our fore witches. These were the ones who launched to the skies millennia ago.We had been relegated. Our connection to land marred. Our reproduction and our erotic expected as a tool or seen as an offense. We produced labor and laborers. They sought to control us, when we resisted or diverged they sought to destroy us. We saw the structures they were building on the land and the singular homogeny they sought to enforce. We knew better, knew each other in our experiences, and knew the futures we could build. When they took us to the pyres, hoping to snuff us out as we were prepared. Hidden below we entered our spaceships, our Caldrons, and launched to the sky. We left behind the dominant structure, the singular view of the world, and the cosmos that was leading to its ruin. It was here in space they held the first Banquet of Bitterness, a convergence of knowledge. In this, they knew and were known. As they took to the sky they took with themselves the power within the food and the knowledge held and passed through it. Here they charted their complex orbits and created their constellations to reshape the world. They stitched a collective web of knowledge and it is those witches that light up the night sky. They were powered by their bitterness, a self-contained gravity, and source of power. For this was the convergence of the first great power. It is this knowledge we share today, passes on the magic as a tool to reposition our futures.
Transmission 3: 
Power of Bitterness

Bitterness has long been the way to know ourselves in the cosmos, it is a choice to return to and create a neutral space. A place where we can find ourselves and each other in the cosmos. It is a conduit of our experiences and a continued choice of returning. Returning to our knowledge to the moments where we can learn from and enact change. Time is not linear but circular and so too is a Space Witches’ orbit. Through this we learn, collect our knowledge in bitterness and use it to create new orbits. New opportunities and futures as we actively move the cosmos. And in moving the cosmos we change our understanding of the land we came from. We claim bitterness and bitterness claims us. It powers our caldrons, creates our gravity, and powers our magic.

Bitterness is also a way of understanding our pasts, where we and our previous witches come from. We broke from the earth and its structure, as our contact with it was met by conflict. It was the hegemonic structures that sought to rewrite our worlds. This was against our truths, and from these points of contact, we learned more and more about ourselves and the world. In this contact, it created bitterness and knowledge. Gave us the tools to change our orbits, and to know ourselves. This taught us the secret of the stars. The knowledge that helped our fore witches on the earth escape. We share our stories and bitterness because as it was in knowing, that we were able to see new futures.

We pursue bitterness because it is something so integral to our lives, food is both a system of living and a system of knowing the fundamental elements of the universe. We all come from different lineages and backgrounds converging on bitterness. We trace our stories back to our caldrons, our orbits. Yet we all gain from the collective bitterness, the structures and relationships we build as space witches. We strive to build a collective future through our food.
Transmission 4 
Magic of Land, Food, Gender

As Space Witches, we draw power from the relationship between ourselves, our genders, and the land. Food is the conduit between which this exchange happens. It is language manifested in physical form, the intentions, and histories connecting into the form of food. It is an in-between of land and self that we were able to take with us. In food, A Space Witch chooses their position. They can be ones of reproduction, of creation, cultivating the land and the plants. Others find themselves in the kitchen using culinary alchemy infusing the foods with the words, and intentions to shape our cosmos. Other Witches are those that share the meal, convening in the consumption and deconstruction of the worlds. Through this cycle the world becomes malleable. Through consumption we integrate our paths with the new, the new worlds and futures we strive to create. Space Witches come in infinitely various forms and so does our bitterness. It is in that we can know the cosmos, know ourselves, and build a shared future.

In tasting food we claim pleasure and power. Taste has long been tied to pleasure and relegated because of it. It was seen as lesser and without value. Not able to see the world, to give value. We Space Witches understand this in our own experience with gender, both female and queer individuals are relegated for the divergence. They are creators of labor or clear dangers in their deviation, their lack of ability to continue the structures. In this deviance, they sought to control us Witches, but in this, we drew power. The first witches were able to energize the food. Create sigils and spells and begin to shape the land in preparation for their great voyage. In this, we hold honor to those who came before us.
Transmission 5
Tasting the Cosmos

For the Banquet, we focus on the sense of taste. 
When we taste we learn about an object, what is its quality, what is the experience? In tasting, we also learn about ourselves and our preferences. We experience an object, we perceive it first hand, and enter into a relationship. We become acquainted and in this, our true taste unfolds.
For Space Witches, this is an integral knowledge. To convene with food is to enter into a pact to give and receive power. We find the edges of ourselves in taste. Yet there is no absolute taste. 

As Space Witches, we do not strive to be the same or experience the same. We pursue taste, bitterness, because of its uniquely personal experiences. We all have an experience of the taste, yet in our personal experiences of it, you can trace it back to a witch through the sharing of bitterness. Taste is built on our physiological, cultural backgrounds. You can not change another witch's taste, only learn to gain a deeper understanding.

We create a cosmic web that connects us. Just like the taste we understand the universe is a complex moving entity composed of our different points. If one can connect into this form we could connect into the universe. This is where we Space Witches found the truth around bitterness. A way to come together and actively engage with the world around us, taking an active role in the universe. We understand that we are part of a greater moving force.
Transmission 6
Tasting Bitterness

The first bitterness we know is taste, it is a marker in the back of our tongues warning of dangerous things in the world. It activates our reflux to prevent the consumption of things that would harm us. The second time we encounter bitterness it is a choice. It is where we take our experiences and gain power from them. Bitterness is a neutral taste, it is a taste that allows us to step back from other flavors. In an oversaturated world, it is a place of solace and understanding.
Taste directs your attention to your body and its state. In understanding the edges of yourself you can understand how you come in contact with the world and how we move among it. Bitterness is a complex taste, it can change the intensity of other tastes and has great magical power. It is a crossroad of the other senses. It is both the knowing of ruin and the potential for change.

As Space Witches, we find the power in this. In claiming taste we claim the power of our own erotic, how our genders offer a space of knowing, and a contradiction to the dominant structure. Taste is not something that can be changed, it is subjective and internal truth. And a place of power.
Transmission 7 
Practicing Magic

While Witches gain power from all stages of food. The Ritual and the Truth of the Banquet of Bitterness centers around the power and the pursuit of Bitterness.

Bitterness is a conduit that can be used by a single witch or can be used with multiple witches. We can overlay our magic and experiences. Using bitter food we create a touchpoint between other witches. We offer a way to be known by other witches and to know other witches. We combine our magic. Here our magic grows stronger, able to create larger constellations and grander spells. When Space Witches come together we can shift the world to offer new foundations and directions. The more Space Witches converging the larger the openings we can make and the greater the change we can manifest. 

Banquet of bitterness is the continued act of returning to bitter food. To be in a relationship with yourself and other witches and so use this power and relationship to be part of a cosmic continuum of change. In this truth, we connect to the magic of Space Witches and launch to the sky. Take this knowledge and use the tools and spells below to start your practice and join us in making a Space Witch Future.

Banquet of Bitterness

Banquet of Bitterness

Banquet of bitterness is the continued act of returning to bitter food. To be in a relationship with yourself and other witches and to use this power and relationship to be part of a cosmic continuum of change.
Magic Tools:

Bring magic into your life with the tools below
Transmission 1
Welcome to the Banquet of Bitterness
Open Transmission
Transmission 2
The First Banquet of Bitterness
Open Transmission
Transmission 3
Power of Bitterness
Open Transmission
Transmission 4
Magic of Land, Food, Gener
Open Transmission
Transmission 5
Tasting the Cosmos
Open Transmission
Transmission 6
Tasting Bitterness
Open Transmission
Transmission 7
Practicing Magic
Open Transmission